PSA: Turtle Flyers in the Wild!
Guys, I don’t quite know what to make of this, but I’m pretty sure it’s illegal and it needs to stop. I’m posting this in the hopes that our intrepid readers saw something and are willing to say something for the sake of their favorite Hard Cheap Knock hunks. I was walking my dog in […]
Slow Crap – The Genius of Gwen Stefani
Gwen Stefani knows that we are all singing “Crap” instead of “Clap” in her new song, “Slow Clap” and that’s exactly her intention.
Dress Pants
During this horrible global pandemic, amongst the high level loss of life, there has also been another casualty. Due to most businesses resorting to using Skype or Zoom for meetings, the use of a certain article of clothing has gone by the wayside. This is for you. #dresspants Dress Pants brought to you unironically by […]
HCK Exclusive: Coronavirus Pandemic and Peeps
While it was announced today that your children’s favorite mystery substance for Easter morning sugar rushes, Peeps, will stop production, we here at HCK have the story the manufacturers don’t want you to know.
Neal’s “Corona” Corner #8
esmowa and hello everyone. It is time for a special Neals Corner. With me. Neal McDoogin. Enjoy……… Neals Corner #8 is made possible by you the viewers at home. Thank you. And Also Meat Stick for Baby. The perfect choice for armageddon.