HCK Exclusive: Coronavirus Pandemic and Peeps
While it was announced today that your children’s favorite mystery substance for Easter morning sugar rushes, Peeps, will stop production, we here at HCK have the story the manufacturers don’t want you to know.
Neal’s “Corona” Corner #8
esmowa and hello everyone. It is time for a special Neals Corner. With me. Neal McDoogin. Enjoy……… Neals Corner #8 is made possible by you the viewers at home. Thank you. And Also Meat Stick for Baby. The perfect choice for armageddon.
Dribble Cock
I finish and I don’t JUST tap…. I have to SHAKE that motherf***ing thing like a mad stew bum scolding the world.
Halloween PSA: Novelty Animal Skeletons
Look closely and you’ll notice something VERY wrong with this “PVC Parade of Passing”… No, it’s not the overuse of fake purple and green spider webbing! It’s EARS!
The HCK Players in “Poop Justice for Double Parking”
If you did say something, and his response was, “What’s the matter, am I blocking your bicycle?”, would that seem more than a bit insulting?
Neal’s Corner #4 – Concert Game
Hiiiiiiii. I’m Neal McDoogin. Spell it anyway you waaant just don’t call me laaate for ketchup thursdays. Esmowa. That was a joke. Welcome to my fourth Neal’s Corner. Enough chiiiiit chaaaat. So NEal McDoogin play amaaaazing concerts I have seen game as seen on the faaaaacebook applicaaaation. The rules are siiiiiimple. I have seen 1 of theeeeeese concerts. […]
Neal’s Corner #3 – MeatLoss!
Hiiiiiiii. I’m Neal McDoogin. Spell it anyway you waaant just don’t call me laaate for dog church. Esmowa. That was a joke. Welcome to my third Neal’s Corner. Enough chiiiiit chaaaat. So I haaaaaave special thing to saaaaay. Many notice that iiiiiiii have been looking bumpy lately. A little large in the baaaarge as maaaamma say. I admit […]
Neal’s Corner #2 – Mannequin Challenge!
Hiiiiiiii. I’m Neal McDoogin. Spell it anyway you waaant just don’t call me laaate for grandma’s house. Esmowa. That was a joke. Welcome to my second Neal’s Corner. Enough chiiiiit chaaaat. Oh I am fascinated with this new game ameeeeericas playing. It tis called mannequin chaaaaallenge. I explain if you no understaaand. You try to look like a […]