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  1. Dave Janicek
    May 14, 2016 @ 7:03 pm

    Is this available without prescription?


    • Bernard Carson
      May 15, 2016 @ 2:32 am

      Ask your doctor if Kool Klench is right for you. Some side effects may include: forgetfulness, dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, allergic reactions, heart problems, dependence, forgetfulness, restless leg syndrome, restless genital syndrome, forgetfulness, droopy eyelids, lazy eyes, lazy ears, tinnitus, colorful urine, forgetfulness, gambling problems, slouching, backwards speaking, forgetfulness, tingles, teeth growth, neck growth, gout, goiter, loitering, flamboyancy, forgetfulness, scratching yourself like a dog does, hooting, chewing on toothpicks, swallowing toothpicks, sleeping with one eye open, talking with mouth closed, phantom erections, forgetfulness, insane clown posse, third eye blind, have you ever really loved a woman, peeling paint, instant rust, blaming, forgetfulness, slow boiling, sticky salt, ingrown toenail, your tongue is hanging out, hey your fly is open, yo can I get a dollar, spare some change for a homeless Veteran to get a bite to eat, these pretzels are making me thirsty, I flew all the way from Houston, and forgetfulness. Not FDA approved. TSA approved.


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