Neal’s Corner #2 – Mannequin Challenge!

Hiiiiiiii. I’m Neal McDoogin. Spell it anyway you waaant just don’t call me laaate for grandma’s house. Esmowa. That was a joke. Welcome to my second Neal’s Corner. Enough chiiiiit chaaaat.
Oh I am fascinated with this new game ameeeeericas playing. It tis called mannequin chaaaaallenge. I explain if you no understaaand. You try to look like a mannequin, who is selling clothes and eating popeye’s chicken. it is hiiilarious.
This my viiiideo for mannequin game. i Hope iiii win.
This was fuuun. I enjoy mannequin video. As always esmowa and eat kill love your neiiiiiighbooooor.
Audio transcript for the curious courtesy of Wet Pants™
November 12, 2016 @ 8:57 pm
Neal Mcdoogin great job this week!
November 13, 2016 @ 9:07 am
esmowa. i hope i win!