Neal’s Corner #7 – photo thing
esmowa. hello everyone. it is time for new Neals Corner. With me. Neal McDoogin. Otherwise it would just be called ‘s corner and no one wants that. ha ha esmowa. that was a joke and a gooood one. I should write that down. Anywho i now play 10 year chaaaaaaallenge like everyone. Except it is 13 year because i make the rules. haha esmowa. that was another joke. i don’t make rules and would not know where to begin as I could not get into rule school due to my short reach – 3 inches. But don’t let that fool you. I know how to grab things.
Anywho it is hard to believe I looked like that 13 years ago let alone existed because of all the Y2K murder. Myyyy god. If someone would of climbed into my tin crib and tell me i would be challenging people to look at my photo 13 years later i would of said take shoes please but leave the laces. I mean that because laces are importaaaaant. So this is the part where i challenge you to look at my old photo. If i haaad a white glove I would slap you to begin but with it being so PC these days my glove is figurative. #notmyglove. So. Did you look at it yet? Because I just challenged you to do so and it would be impolite to not challenge. The old one is on the left. My sweet savior i look like a fresh placenta baby – what was I thinking!?! I mean who shows so much chest material these days? #tomselleck I will keep this post up until everyone has challenged it thoroughly. Just press letter or number on your punch board and let me know. Press 14 for YES and press m for no. This was fun. These things help me stay woke. Esmowa as always my friends.
Neals Corner #7 is made possible by you the viewers at home. Thank you.