Just Sayin’: The O Button
Just remember, it’s not like tomorrow a scientist is going to invent a device where you push a button and you have the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had in your life. Hundreds of other things will lead up to that. Virtual reality will leave the headset and goggles behind long before you will have your orgasm button. We’ll have all of the tech which includes jacks directly into the brain. We’ll have the heads-up displays and the Whuffie right there in front of us. Before there’s an orgasm button, you won’t have gone to the movie theater for five whole years. Pushing your orgasm button will be just one more thing that you’re able to do while you’re being driven in a car you don’t own and can’t steer. You might not even need to clean up after yourself. By the time the orgasm button arrives, you’ll be making statements like, “I’ll take the model with 3x vision, the hearing upgrade, two arms is fine, Android Zagnut…” and then you’ll look to the right and left and whisper, quietly, “And can you add the Orgasm Button. It’s been a rough year.”