i don’t hate the yodel boy but i know who might.
Ha welcome to throwbackthursday HCK style. Well not really. This is oldish news but the elephant has still been seen in the room. A yodeling elephant that is.
So there is a kid who for some reason that I didn’t even try to research started yodeling in a walmart in the usa within the last couple of weeks or months. And all the sudden he is America’s darling. And at least 3 memes have been made about him.
His random performance:
I just want to say on no good authority that I bet a certain Danny Cooksey hates him. Danny whooksey you ask? Danny Fuckin Cooksey that’s whooksey!
He my friend was the shit when he came on the Different Strokes scene in 1984. Following the formula of injecting a freckle faced kid into a low ratings show dominated by a housekeeper’s revolving door worked like a charm. I don’t want to get into if he actually spiked the ratings for the show because I gotta split in a minute. But oh shit when he said “Mister D. I gotta go poo” I was sold. Just take my money. Well I was 13 at the time so take my 10 dollars I earned cleaning my dad’s ashtrays.
But sufficed to say this kid could act. Yeah there may of been a poignant Strokes episode where he wet the bunk bed above Arnold in some sort of harrowing non lemon, waterfall torture technique. I couldn’t decide if they wrote it into the show ’cause it really happened on set. You just don’t know. But he could sing dammit and get under Arnold’s skin like a son ‘bitch! Now I’m willing to bet my 30 yr old ashtray money that Gary Coleman hated him for stealing his short thunder. But that is a topic for another day because you just know Colemen also hated Emmanuel Lewis as well and he needed to spread it out evenly.
Anyways where was i? Yeah I bet Danny hates the yodel kid.
Now I’m not saying I hate the yodel kid. I don’t know him from redheadsville. I can’t even quite say if Danny Cooksey yodeled like this kid because the research escapes me. But I think if he did it would be quite good in comparison – like a 5 outta 7 good. I bet Danny would say “you can’t start yodeling in a Kmart or a Zarye ya fool” but his voice would be all freckly and cool the way danny likes it. And I believe him!
And before I forget I bet that guy from Independence Day “Harry Connick Jr” hates Michael Bublé. But not as much as how that one guy from MASH hated that other guy from MASH after replacing him on MASH. You know the one I’m talking about right? Named after a wonderful sex act? Also broccoli super hates cauliflower.
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