45 days to SW EP8 – What What? A Star Wars Halloween Special?

REPOST FROM: October 29, 2016
H A R D C H E A P K N O C K – E X C L U S I V E
Before the infamous 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special graced our eyeballs there was an earlier special that many never heard about. To aggressively swell the amazing success of the 1977 Star Wars: A New Hope summer release, the 20th Century FOX executives decided to get something produced for the fans as quickly as they could. But their initial holiday offering was dissed horribly by critics & fans alike and was shutdown during the actual television broadcast. Roger Ebert, the late great movie critic, even went out of his way to say this special couldn’t hold his movie reviewing dick. Which we think was a slight at Gene Siskel.
Regardless, unlike the 1978 version, most copies and evidence have been erased from existence due to its epic failure. To this day hardcore fans just assumed this was internet folklore much like the “wet pants” craze of the 80’s. But it be true. So after a long, extensive search spanning 3 states, 16 Radio Shacks & 9 counties, Hard Cheap Knock has recovered some footage of it. Unfortunately this is only the show’s opening credits but proof nonetheless. Enjoy and have a spooky halloween!
The Long Lost Star Wars Halloween Special Exclusive is sponsored by the good folks at MeatStick Industries and their delicious product MeatStick™ for Baby. As it was in 1977 and through the rest of time, the insane desire for babies to eat meat in a stick form will be our number one priority. If you want to give your baby a stick, make it a meat stick™.
October 31, 2017 @ 6:56 pm
Oh hey, how timely!
November 1, 2017 @ 5:12 pm
esmowa craig. you are terribly correct.